Welcome to Giggit's easy Allure patch guide 2012-2015
Read:  Step 1  Step 2  Step 3  Step 4

2016 - Allure has CLOSED for good - 2016
I recommend Beyond Time

Beyond Time is family friendly, LOADS of customs and almost 24/7 support.
They are always adding new dungeons or making the dungeons better. The loot drops
can be quite rewarding. They just added in re-layer deeds to a massive custom dungeon!

Another good server is 
Excelsior. I had played this one for a while a few years back.
Some  history of 
Excelsior not many know. Excelsior was created by
players who left Allure to make something better than Allure.
Janus (i believe his name 
was. Was one of a couple that created Excelsior and you can view his name at the top of Lord British Castle).

I will be leaving my guide here for now. I do plan on making
some extra guides for UOSteam not Razor. UOSteam is far
better and has an auto-looter built in. No more double clicking
and dragging of items or gold.

Changes coming later, stay tuned :)
► What will be added later? Completed scripts you can copy/paste and use.

- Giggit -
edited Wednesday, March 11, 2016

edited Wednesday, April 08, 2015